Home World Apple to face anti-trust lawsuit by Biden administration for restricting third-party hardware, software

Apple to face anti-trust lawsuit by Biden administration for restricting third-party hardware, software

Apple to face anti-trust lawsuit by Biden administration for restricting third-party hardware, software


US Justice dept to sue apple company
Image Source : APPLE Apple mobile (Representational Image)

In yet another jolt to American multinational corporation and technology company, Apple, the Biden administration is set to sue the global mobile phone brand with an antitrust lawsuit on Thursday. Citing sources, CNN reported that the US Justice Department has endorsed the lawsuit following years of allegations by critics that Apple has harmed competition with restrictive app store terms, high fees and its “walled-garden” approach to its hardware and software. Also, the other allegations include Apple tightly controls how third-party tech companies can interact with the tech behemoth’s products and services.

Citing an example, the report claimed that Apple allows its customers to send high-quality media files to its devices but slows down the same when it comes to its competitor Android phones. Last year, Apple had assured that it would enhance the interaction speed and quality with Android.

Besides, the lawsuit also claimed that Apple gives priority access to its own products while restricting other companies from using it. For example- when iPhones interact with AirTags– a tracking device developed by Apple which acts as a key finder, which helps people find personal objects– swiftly as compared to other competitors’ products.

This is a breaking story. More details will be added.


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