Home Technology Apple updates App Store policies to tackle one of the biggest problem faced by users – Times of India

Apple updates App Store policies to tackle one of the biggest problem faced by users – Times of India

Apple updates App Store policies to tackle one of the biggest problem faced by users – Times of India


Apple has recently made changes to its App Store Review Guidelines to tackle the problem of app clones and copycats. According to a blog post from the company, it is now considered a violation of the App Store’s rules to impersonate an app.
According to the updated guidelines, it is not allowed for developers to copy an app’s code or user interface, or use a name that is too similar to that of another popular app.
“Submitting apps which impersonate other apps or services is considered a violation of the Developer Code of Conduct and may result in removal from the Apple Developer Program,” reads the rule.
“Come up with your own ideas. We know you have them, so make yours come to life. Don’t simply copy the latest popular app on the App Store, or make some minor changes to another app’s name or UI and pass it off as your own,” the new section in the guidelines reads. “In addition to risking an intellectual property infringement claim, it makes the App Store harder to navigate and just isn’t fair to your fellow developers.”
The changes come after the influx of ChatGPT clones flooding both the App Store and Play Store. Unfortunately, this is not the first time this has occurred. In the past, clone wars involved games like Wordle, Unpacking, Flappy Bird, and Threes.
Despite having rules against copying other developers’ work, Apple faced a challenge in 2017 when they added a clause prohibiting apps from being submitted by “app generation services” on behalf of clients. Congress became involved, specifically questioning how Apple would handle apps made by companies for small business clients.
Additionally, apps that contain ads must now have a feature that allows users to report any ads that are inappropriate or not suitable for their age. Furthermore, Apple has restricted carrier apps that provide subscriptions, stating that they must receive approval and cannot offer discounts on consumable items. Also, subscriptions must end when customers no longer use the cellular provider’s services.
Apps with extensions have been instructed to follow the App Extension Programming Guide guidelines, the Safari App Extensions Guide, or the Safari Web Extensions documentation. It is recommended that these apps include additional functionality, such as help screens or settings. Additionally, Safari extensions must be compatible with the latest version of Safari.


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