Home World Black Friday shopping: US President Joe Biden buys a book – Times of India

Black Friday shopping: US President Joe Biden buys a book – Times of India

Black Friday shopping: US President Joe Biden buys a book – Times of India


The traditional “Black Friday” shopping event marked the beginning of the holiday shopping season in the United States, with retailers offering significant discounts to attract customers. This year’s event, taking place amid economic uncertainties, saw stores providing even deeper discounts to draw in consumers who have been dealing with persistent inflation and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
On Black Friday, shoppers who headed to malls and stores were greeted with a variety of incentives ranging from champagne to virtual reality experiences and traditional doorbuster deals.These efforts by retailers were aimed at attracting customers who are increasingly cautious about unnecessary spending and impulse purchases this year.
With dwindling savings and rising credit card debts, consumers are feeling the pinch. Despite a slight ease in inflation, the cost of various items, including essentials like meat and housing, remains significantly higher compared to three years ago.
Following “Black Friday,” the retail industry is also gearing up for “Cyber Monday,” another major sales event aimed at online shoppers.
US President Biden also engaged in Black Friday shopping in Nantucket amidst global attention on the release of hostages by Hamas during a four-day truce in the Gaza Strip. The President, accompanied by his son Hunter Biden, visited a bookstore, adhering to a family tradition. He remarked, “Can’t come without going to the bookstore. We’ve got a tradition.”
Before his shopping spree, Biden addressed the nation about the hostage crisis, expressing uncertainty about the release of up to nine American citizens taken hostage in the October 7 attacks in southern Israel. “We don’t know when that will occur… It is my hope and expectation it will be soon,” Biden said.
Hamas has committed to freeing an additional 26 hostages, totaling 50 out of approximately 240, over the next three days, though the identities of these individuals remain unknown.
According to a report in New York post, Hunter Biden, facing federal gun charges in Delaware and potential tax charges in Los Angeles, joined his father for shopping after dining at the Brotherhood of Thieves restaurant. The Bidens are staying at the home of billionaire David Rubenstein during their vacation.
While shopping, President Biden purchased the book “Democracy Awakening” by historian Heather Cox Richardson. The First Lady, Jill Biden, mentioned to reporters that the family was enjoying their time.
(With inputs from agencies)


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