Home Technology Email spam: How these 5 tips can solve one of your biggest email problem – Times of India

Email spam: How these 5 tips can solve one of your biggest email problem – Times of India

Email spam: How these 5 tips can solve one of your biggest email problem – Times of India


In today’s digital world, email is a vital tool for communication and connection. But amidst the important messages, a constant barrage of spam can turn your inbox into a chaotic mess. Spam, those pesky and often deceptive messages, often clog our inbox, not only wasting time, but also pose security risks. But fear not, here are 5 simple tips to help you block spam:
Use the Block button
This might seem obvious, but it’s the first line of defense.Most email providers have a “Report Spam” or “Block Sender” option. Use it liberally! Once triggered, future emails from that address will be sent straight to your spam folder, never to bother your eyeballs again.
Get your Filters in place
Most providers offer advanced filtering tools. Create filters based on keywords, sender domains, or even email content. For example, filter out emails containing “Nigerian Prince” or “free offer you can’t refuse.” Be careful, creative and personalize your filters to stop spam before it enters your inbox.
Go for Unsubscribe
Legitimate companies often have an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of their emails. Use it. Clicking “unsubscribe” removes you from their mailing list. However, be wary of phishing attempts disguised as unsubscribe links. Look for the company’s official domain and unsubscribe through their website if unsure.
Be careful of where you share your email address
Don’t carelessly share your email address online. Think twice before entering it on forums, public profiles, or random websites. Consider having a separate “burner” email address for non-essential sign-ups and online interactions. This helps keep your main inbox from becoming spam heaven.
Use security solutions
Invest in a reputable third-party spam filter. These services go beyond basic filters, employing advanced algorithms to detect and block sophisticated spam tactics. Many email providers offer premium versions with built-in spam filters, so explore your options.


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