Home World Pro-Palestinian protesters clash in NYC, unfurl Swastika in Rockefeller center – Times of India

Pro-Palestinian protesters clash in NYC, unfurl Swastika in Rockefeller center – Times of India

Pro-Palestinian protesters clash in NYC, unfurl Swastika in Rockefeller center – Times of India


In an unexpected turn of events, hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters created chaos around Rockefeller Center on Wednesday, aiming to disrupt the annual tree lighting ceremony and garner attention for their cause, reported New York Post. The demonstrators clashed with NYPD officers, chanting slogans such as “River to the sea,” a phrase often criticized as antisemitic, in support of Gaza.
Waving Palestinian flags and holding signs calling for an “end to genocide,” the protesters gathered along Sixth Avenue, impacting the atmosphere for tourists eagerly awaiting the iconic tree lighting ceremony. The massive crowd diverted its attention to the tree outside the News Corp building, which houses The Post and Fox News, a location previously targeted by pro-Palestinian protesters.
Chants of “Free, free Palestine!” echoed through the streets as protesters confronted police officers, referring to them as “f–king Nazis.” Attempts were made to breach the barricades set up by the NYPD to separate the demonstrators from the holiday tradition spectators.
The NYPD had heightened security measures in anticipation of the planned protest, acknowledging the need for “elevated vigilance” during this year’s Christmas tree lighting ceremony at Rockefeller Center. Additional law enforcement units were deployed, with reports of officers being attacked in the ensuing chaos.
Despite the disruptions, the tree lighting ceremony continued, drawing criticism from some attendees who expressed frustration at the disturbance. Tourists from abroad, like Jamie Fry from the United Kingdom, found the protest “very annoying,” while Opal Burnett from Missouri called it an embarrassment.
Amid the commotion, some viewers emphasized the symbolic message of peace the Christmas tree represents, declaring their determination to embrace the holiday spirit despite the disruptive protest. Lillian Gonzalez from the Bronx asserted, “None of this mob activity is going to take that away from us.” The incident underscores the challenges of blending public events with political protests and the varied reactions among spectators caught in the crossfire.


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