Home World Ukraine will never be ‘victory’ for Russia, says US President Joe Biden in Warsaw | WATCH

Ukraine will never be ‘victory’ for Russia, says US President Joe Biden in Warsaw | WATCH

Ukraine will never be ‘victory’ for Russia, says US President Joe Biden in Warsaw | WATCH


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Image Source : WHITE HOUSE (TWITTER). Ukraine will never be victory for Russia, says US President Joe Biden in Warsaw | WATCH.

Joe Biden on Russia Ukraine war: The win over Ukraine in the war will never be a victory for Russia, United States President Joe Biden said on Tuesday (February 21) in Poland after making a surprise visit to Kyiv, just a few days ahead of the anniversary of the conflict.

“A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never be able to erase the people’s love of liberty. Brutality will never grind down the will of the free. And Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia. Never,” Biden said while addressing a crowd of thousands of people gathered outside the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

“For free people refuse to live in a world of hopelessness and darkness. You know, this has been an extraordinary year in every sense. Extraordinary brutality from Russian forces and mercenaries. They have committed depravities, crimes against humanity, without shame or compunction,” he added.

He further stated that Russia has targeted civilians with death and destruction. The Russian army has used rape as a weapon of war and stolen Ukrainian children in an attempt to take away Ukraine’s future. Biden also said that no one can turn away their eyes from the atrocities Russia is committing against the Ukrainian people. 

“But extraordinarily, as well, has been the response of the Ukrainian people and the world. One year after bombs began to fall, Russian tanks began to roll, Ukraine is still independent and free,” he added.

Recalling his last year’s speech, spoken at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Biden said that the largest land war in Europe since World War Two had begun in Ukraine. “One year ago, the world was bracing for the fall of Kyiv. Well, I have just come from a visit to Kyiv, and I can report: Kyiv stands strong! Kyiv stands proud. It stands tall. And most important, it stands free.”

“When Russia invaded, it wasn’t just Ukraine being tested. The whole world faced a test for the ages,” he added.Recently, Biden made a surprise visit to Ukraine and met President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

In the speech, giving a message to Russia, US President said that America and the nations of Europe are not seeking to control or destroy Russia. The West was not plotting to attack Russia, he added while referring to Putin’s today’s speech. He also stated that millions of Russian citizens who only want to live in peace with their neighbours are not the enemy. This war was “never a necessity; it’s a tragedy. President Putin chose this war. Every day the war continues is his choice. 

He could end the war with a word,” Biden said.”It’s simple. If Russia stopped invading Ukraine, it would end the war. If Ukraine stopped defending itself against Russia, it would be the end of Ukraine. That’s why, together, we’re making sure Ukraine can defend itself,” he added.

(With agencies inputs) 

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