Home World US: Georgia declares October as ‘Hindu Heritage Month’ to honour contributions of Hindu American community

US: Georgia declares October as ‘Hindu Heritage Month’ to honour contributions of Hindu American community

US: Georgia declares October as ‘Hindu Heritage Month’ to honour contributions of Hindu American community


Georgia Governor Brian Kemp
Image Source : AP/FILE Georgia Governor Brian Kemp

The US state of Georgia has officially declared the month of October as ‘Hindu Heritage Month’ in respect of the cultural values and traditions and to honour the contribuition of the Hindu American community in the state.

In a proclamation dated to August 23, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp said that October 2023 will be known as Hindu Heritage Month in the state. “Hinduism is the third-largest religion in the world with one billion devotees worldwide and approximately three million in the United States,” read the proclamation.

The proclamation also said that the Hindu heritage, culture and traditions have provided “invaluable solutions” to many life problems of the followers and is a source of inspiration and reflection for millions of individuals looking for guidance.

“The vibrant Hindu American community has contributed tremendously to the vitality of the State of Georgia by enriching the lives of its citizens… During the month of October 2023, the Hindu community across the State of Georgia and across our great nation will collectively celebrate its heritage by focusing on its culture and the diverse spiritual traditions rooted in India,” it further said.

The Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA) welcomed the move and thanked Kemp for recognising the contribution of Hindu Americans. “This was made possible by the untiring dedication of our friends at the Hindus of Georgia PAC. Hinduism has contributed greatly to the cultural milieu of America,” said the group on X (formerly Twitter).

Notably, the Georgia Assembly had passed a resolution condemning Hinduphobia earlier this year, becoming the first state to pass such a legislation. The resolution underscored the Hindu community’s contribution of Yoga, ayurveda, meditation, food, music and other components that have “enriched the cultural fabric of American society”.

The month of October is significant for Hindu communities as it marks the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, who played a revolutionary role in India’s independence movement. October is also when major Hindu holidays like Navratri and Diwali are celebrated.

Earlier efforts

In June, California State Assembly member Ash Kalra presented a goal declaring October 2023 as the “Hindu American Awareness and Appreciation Month” in the state.

California has the largest Hindu American population, which includes people from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Malaysia, and other countries. The bill said that the country has benefited from Vedanta philosophy, ayurvedic medicine, classical Indian art, dance, music, meditation, yoga, literature, and community service, highlighting the contributions of Hindu Americans.

In June, California State Assembly member Ash Kalra presented a goal declaring October 2023 as the “Hindu American Awareness and Appreciation Month” in the state.

California has the largest Hindu American population, which includes people from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Malaysia, and other countries. The bill said that the country has benefited from Vedanta philosophy, ayurvedic medicine, classical Indian art, dance, music, meditation, yoga, literature, and community service, highlighting the contributions of Hindu Americans.

California also passed a Bill in May to ban caste-based discrimination in the state and provides explicit protections to those who have been systemically harmed due to caste bias and prejudice. It has been hailed as a historic move for the Dalit community.

(with PTI inputs)

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