WhatsApp said that out of these 4,715,906 banned accounts, it proactively banned 1,659,385 of them before any reports from users between March 1, 2023, and March 31, 2023. An Indian account is identified via the +91 country code.
“WhatsApp is an industry leader in preventing abuse, among end-to-end encrypted messaging services. Over the years, we have consistently invested in Artificial Intelligence and other state-of-the-art technology, data scientists and experts, and in processes, in order to keep our users safe on our platform,” a WhatsApp spokesperson said.
WhatsApp releases the monthly report in compliance with the IT Rules, 2021. This user-safety report contains details of the user complaints received and the corresponding action taken by WhatsApp. Additionally, it also has WhatsApp’s own preventive actions to combat abuse on our platform.
More than 4,700 reports received
The messaging platform said that it received 4,720 reports in the month of March in India and acted upon 585 of them.
How WhatsApp tackles abuse
According to WhatsApp, ‘Accounts Actioned’ denotes reports where the company took remedial action. This means that the accounts were either banned or a previously banned account was restored as a result of the complaint.
WhatsApp also said that some reports may have been reviewed but not included as ‘Actioned’.
“We will continue with transparency to our work and include information about our efforts in future reports,” it said. WhatsApp said that it received three orders from the Grievance Appellate Committee and it complied with all three orders.
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