Home World Why it may not be easy for Iran to ‘slap’ Israel over consulate strike – Times of India

Why it may not be easy for Iran to ‘slap’ Israel over consulate strike – Times of India

Why it may not be easy for Iran to ‘slap’ Israel over consulate strike – Times of India


NEW DELHI: In the wake of a deadly airstrike on an Iranian consular annex in Damascus, tensions between Iran and Israel have escalated sharply. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, promised retribution, saying that Israel would “be slapped” for its actions. The strike, which resulted in the loss of seven Revolutionary Guards members, including two esteemed generals, has stirred significant international concern over potential escalation.
“The defeat of the Zionist regime in Gaza will continue and this regime will be close to decline and dissolution,” declared Khamenei, signaling a robust response to the Israeli aggression.The airstrike, believed to be executed by Israeli F-35 jets, not only targeted a diplomatic site but also claimed the lives of key military figures within Iran’s elite Quds Force. The incident, occurring amidst the annual Quds Day, amplifies its significance, urging Iranians to march in support of Palestinians and against Israel.
The escalation and its implications
This strike marks one of the most direct confrontations between Iran and Israel in recent times, reminiscent of the 2020 assassination of Qassem Soleimani by US forces. With regional tensions already heightened following the Gaza war, this attack on Iranian soil exacerbates fears of a broader Middle East conflict. Iran’s leadership has hinted at various forms of retaliation, from leveraging Hezbollah to cyberattacks and diplomatic maneuvers, aiming to isolate Israel internationally without provoking a direct military confrontation.
Despite vows of vengeance, Iran’s strategic response appears calculated. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi assured that the attack “will not remain without answer,” yet the nation seems cautious of engaging in actions that could lead to wider war. The US, too, is on alert, wary that Iranian-backed militias might target American forces in retaliation. As Iran contemplates its next moves, the international community watches closely, hoping to avoid further escalation in an already volatile region.
How Iran can respond
Iran’s possible responses include mobilizing Hezbollah, its most potent proxy, capable of striking deep into Israeli territory. However, the likelihood of Hezbollah entering a war with Israel remains uncertain. Iran could also activate other regional militias, though their impact on Israel might be limited.
Experts believe Iran will seek to retaliate without triggering a broader conflict. This could involve a mix of diplomatic efforts to isolate Israel, cyberattacks, and low-level military confrontations through proxies. Iran has already called for an urgent UN Security Council meeting to condemn the airstrike, aiming to leverage international sentiment against Israel, a CNN report said.
Sanam Vakil, who oversees the Middle East and North Africa program at London’s Chatham House, told CNN that Iran may lean on its proxy militias and diplomatic channels to marginalize Israel without significantly ramping up tensions.
She highlighted the potential mobilization of the “Axis of Resistance,” a coalition of militias aligned with Iran, suggesting that while substantial attacks may not occur, a series of measured retaliations could be expected. “They aren’t likely to retaliate with massive attacks, but rather with a ‘cascade of responses,'” Vakil explained to CNN.
“It is unlikely Iran would attack Israeli diplomatic missions abroad,” Vakil added.
(With inputs from agencies)


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